Keep on rolling


Whew... last weekend was all about sports and training for an upcoming first aid competition - the German round of FACE (First Aid Competition in Europe). It was a fun and productive weekend, topped off with me participating in a 10-k-skating sprint at the middel German marathon in Halle. I came in 2nd - though only in my age group. But still, that was quite good considering that it was my first skating race ever and 10 km is quite a lot for a "sprint". I made it through quite well, but boy, did that hurt my back! Swimming is definitely not as helpful for a skater-back I might have needed. ;-) Anyways, what's the best way to finish off an already over-full weekend???
Yeah, you got it - moving, or rather helping someone move a looooot of stuff out of one flat, into a sizable moving van, drive it through half of this state, unpack it, get a bite to eat and then get back home - before midnight, cuz there's a new week starting in a couple hours time, isn't it?
Well, the next weekend should be less packed and leave more room for relaxation... I think.


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