OMG, the excitement is killing me! Well, almost... ;-)

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FYI: EV = electoral votes (in the electoral college)
Sen = votes in the elections for the senate
HR = votes in the House race (House of Representatives, that is)

If I could, I would vote for the guy from Chicago. ;-) Oh yeah, and I wish I could join the party there today! But well... I will try to be brave and not cry, even though I won't get to go. :-P

A - hopefully inappropriate - wicked saying of the Day:
"Without announcing the end of the world
the news will remain unattractive."
(Ted Turner)

Ein hoffentlich nicht zutreffender Böser Spruch des Tages:
"Ohne die Ankündigung eines Weltuntergangs
bleiben die Nachrichten uninteressant."
(Ted Turner)


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