Breakfast in high spirits


Lest you think I were drinking in the morning, the three schnapps bottles are actually a reminder of a fantastic schnapps rating yesterday.

My two supervisors had invited the whole team onto an outing to a destillery. I had expected some nice spirits from a farmer's backroom family destillery. It was pretty much that - with one exception: the liquors were not only nice, but world class. In fact, the destillery has repeatedly been credited by Gault Millau as among the top destilleries in the world - the "Destillata". And my, I don't remember every single liquor of the selection of 23 that we sampled ( and no, I wasn't the least bit dipsy let alone hung over today), but they were all really good. Of course, they're meant to be enjoyed, not gulped down. So I guess these three delicacies will last a bit. Btw, I settled for apple-wild raspberry, Salzburg pear (both brandies) and a chocolate-chili liqueur. Mh...

So, off to enjoy a good breakfast on that public holiday before packing and then setting off on a trip to Jena and Berlin. Yeah! ;-)

1 Kommentare:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Hannchen,
wenn ich die lange Zeit seit Deinem (Alkoholiker-)Frühstück und heute betrachte, dann habe ich bedenken, dass der Schnaps auf dem Bild mit Dir irgendetwas angerichtet hat - man liest nichts mehr von Dir!
Servus denn!