Some brain science stuff...

In case you didn't know, I'm currently hiding in the local library while staring out of the window or blogging or waste time thinking in circles writing my dissertation. So far I'm about halfway done, so keep your fingers crossed for me and I'm certain that I'll be knocking on wood rather soon.
So despite spending A WHOLE LOT OF TIME with psychological and neuroscience stuff, I still got merrily excited when listening to yet another Radiolab podcast - this time about memory and person recognition. Now, can you just remind me who else is working in that field? My brain is clogged up with too many tidbits on face processing and neural correlates of person perception... :-P
So, here's one for you - "Do I know you" from Radiolab Podcast. Btw, it's a short one, so spare the 10 min and enjoy!
Do I know you?
(sorry, didn't find a possibility to embed it here).

For more science-related podcasts for the mere mortals among us - no degree in either physics nor mathematics nor ancient greek history required! So dig right in! :-)

"Deplorable man,
who will and can create no more 
with the most precious of all tools,
with science and art,
than the day laborer with the poorest."
Friedrich Schiller
And now back to our usual scribblings and typings...


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