With the arrival of a dear cousin last weekend, the weather improved dramatically (comparison - just a week earlier, I was still taking my ski out to an excursion on the battlefields above Jena! See photographic proof below).
There was in fact so much improvement on the weather-front, that we enjoyed some early-spring-hint that very saturday. ONLY that very saturday. The cold and slush came back sunday morning and poor Hanna thought to herself "well, at least for a day", but lo and behold, it's been getting warmer and milder these last two days and it certainly seems as if spring had arrived for good. I know, experience has taught us to stay wary and always keep an eye open for a dash of snow in unexpected times, but overall? This looks as if it might be it. And therefore, I'll leave it right there, shut my mouth up and share a few impressions with you. Enjoy!
Frühling? Ja, nein, jein? Vorsichtig ausgedrückt könnte das der Frühling sein. Einen kleinen Vorgeschmack gab es ja letztes Wochenende, als ich mit Bine und Christian (und Raphaela) das frühlingshaft sonnige Jena erkundete. Die wichtigsten Ecken haben wir alle entweder Samstag oder schon Freitag abgehakt, als da wären Uni, JenTower (Keksrolle anyone?), Botanischer Garten, Fritz Mitte (au jaaaaa!), nebenbei mal Campus und Goethegalerie, bevor es mit einer Thermoskanne frischen Kaffees zum nachmittäglich-sonnigen Landgraf ging. Super!!!
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