iBlog. And iLove it.

Ahem, is it time again? I daresay it might be...
So this time I wanted to insert an honorary mention of this and this gal into the post. That about does it, doesn't it? ;-)
To be honest, those two were somewhat influential on me to take up blogging in the first place And whereas Jule - being the one that wrote and wrote about her adventures in such faraway lands as Norway - was the one to get me hooked on, Franzi on the other hand inspired me to take it more seriously. Although I have to admit, I'm not taking it as seriously as trying to recap week after week the new things that I took up (or in my case, possibly re-remembered). Seriously though, c'mon, I don't need a Smart Ass Saturday to list that up. I can have the WHOLE WEEK!!! In fact, I would have a very hard time not sharing my wise wits with my environment all. the. time. At least I hope that I'm not being too much of a pest. I can't help it. Really. I think.

Anyways, to be honest - I love blogging. I might not be the most avid, thorough, continuous blogger the world has ever seen (and hell no, I wouldn't want to be that, either), but I really enjoy being a bit creative here and there and having a little outlet of sorts for my rambling thoughts, things I enjoyed or just random things. Oh, that and showing some of my photography. Sorry, couldn't do without that one. ;-) Some people keep a journal to jut down a note or two, sometimes even an account of the full day. I did that years ago when I lived abroad and when everything was just so exciting and new and wooooooow. And I certainly did that when I was travelling, cuz I just like to be able to recap what I did on those trips. But for the average day? No way, I just won't take the time to sit down and write something just for me. If it's impressive, why not share it? If it was hilarious (either in a self-deprecating fashion or any other way), why not have others have a laugh, too? If I discover something beautiful, why not give others joy in it as well? And if I feel not-so-well, why not let others know? Apart from that, it's just so much easier to kind of keep in touch with friends who might live just around the next ocean. I think I have a few of those as well. Besides the ones, that I like spending my time with over here. So there you have it - I'm a sharer. Oh my... but as a good friend of mine once suggested: "Sharing is caring". And that's about the care I got to give for today.
Take CARE my friends and have a great day ahead (oh yeah, it's already the next day over here!).


1 Kommentare:

Karla Beatriz said...

just keep bloggin Jo, I always read your histories from the other side of the ocean.
