No. 1: one busted rear window in my brother's car - turned out that apparently the safety circuit in the (accidentally switched-on) rear window defroster had broken and thus the window pane heated up and up and up until POOOOOFFFF! Yeah, that's what it sounded like. To add some more fun to this story, we (my bro and me) actually DID notice a funny, burnish kind of smell when we were almost at the cabin we were going to spend the weekend at. But still, we stopped in the middle of the woods, got out of the car (in a time well past dusk) and inspected tyres, breaks and the engine hood. Nothing there, so we got back in, shut the doors and proceded to sniff around - I even opened one of the ventilation grid to find out if it was the AC. But no, nothing there either. "Funny", one of us said. And then there was this POOOOFFF and a thumping sound, accompanied by clatter and slithering from many small objects. My bro realized it first - the whole window pane had heated up, was bent outwards and had finally burst into pieces. Most of that was blasted out of the car, but some came back in and fell onto the stuff in the trunk. GREAT! So we got to the cabin half an hour later, after we had carefully emptied the trunk and pushed the remainder of the window in and onto a blanket. You think that was a good start? You bet so! But there's more to come...
No. 2: Provisions and beverages for at least a week to come! Btw, we were 6 adults, 1 kid and most of us intended to stay for two full days (my parents wanted to stay for two more days). All right? ;-)
No. 3: GORGEOUS weather. Think crisp nights, starry skies, sunny days, pieceful forest, several (small) animal sightings, camp fire, collecting mushrooms (well tolerated and very yummy ones), bbq and mild days.
No. 4: A night walk to eavesdrop on bellowing stags on their rut. Picture a group of us walking through the pitchblack forest late at night, carrying lights but not using them and then standing there for minutes, completely silent and listening intently. It's awe-inspiring! As is the thundering that we heard several times when OTHER animals were apparently swishing by in the dark of the forest on our left and right. :-/
No. 5: Sleeping late... unless you had a human want. Unfortunately, that could not be taken care of INSIDE - you had to resort to the great outdoors (scary, scary at night) or the cute outhouse with a heart cut into the door. ;-)
No. 6: Eating yummy cake. Nothing beats that and a fresh coffee after a decent hike.
No. 7: The sound of a car leaving this morning and, after wondering what that was for, getting the drowsy answer "maybe someone is off to get fresh bread rolls". We all chuckled when I reminded everyone that, yeah, we didn't have anything to eat (remember no. 2? That included bread AND bagels.)
No. 8: finding out shortly after, that our car had indeed left the site - together with my dad, who was rushing my mom to hospital. You know, there's this trap door in the cabin's kitchen, which leads down to this teeny-tiny, only 1-m-deep storage cellar. My mom opened it, went back to a window to check whether the stags were still bellowing and then, when going back, stepped too far and fell into the cellar. On the way down, she twisted her knee (ouch!) and bumped against a wooden beam before hitting ground. My bro helped her up and they were off to the hospital before anyone else was even up and noticing. We visited her this afternoon and the inventory can be completed as follows: one twisted knee that needs to be surgically corrected tomorrow or the day after and one broken shoulder blade. Worst of all: she is bedridden now and feels not very enthusiastic about that. So please, do send some good vibes her way!
oder: "Das Inventar eines waldlichen Familienwochenende"
Nr. .1: Eine zerborstene Heckscheibe im Auto meines Bruders. Schätze, die ist jetzt Ford. ;-) Und wer war schuld? Anscheinend die fälschlicherweise arbeitende Heckscheibenheizung und die nicht-reagierende Sicherheitselektronik zum Abschalten ebenjener. Das Ergebnis? Eine sich nach außen wölbende Heckscheibe, die sich am Punkte ihrer maximalen Aufweitung in die Gegend verteilte. Schön...
Nr. 2: Essen und Getränke für ganze Heerscharen! Ach ja, wir waren zu 7t und der Großteil wollte nach 2 Tagen wieder abreisen (Mutsch und Papsch erst 2 Tage später)
Nr. 3: Fantastisches Wetter. Die Stichworte frische Luft, klare Sternennacht, unzählige (Klein-)Tiersichtungen, Pilzesammeln (und gute Verträglichkeit derselben), Lagerfeuer, Grillen und milde Tagestemperaturen müssen zur Vorstellung genügen.
Nr. 4: Eine Nachtwanderung durch den dunklen Wald, um an günstiger Stelle das Röhren der brünftigen Hirsche zu belauschen. Insbesondere der Jüngste in unserem Kreis war sehr begeistert. ;-)
Nr. 5: Spät schlafen.. .es sei denn, ein allzu menschliches Bedürfnis bewegte einen, doch ncoh die kuschelige Wärme der Hütte gegen die frische Morgenluft und den Besuch von Wald oder Plumpsklo einzutauschen.
Nr. 6: Leckerer Kuchen - zusammen mit frischem Kaffee gibt es nichts Besseres nach einer ordentlichen Wanderung!
Nr. 7: Das Geräusch eines wegfahrenden Autos und meine verwunderte Frage (im Bett liegend), was das wohl heißen könnte. Jule's Antwort "vielleicht holt jemand frische Brötchen" führte in Anbetracht von Nr. 2 für viel Erheiterung. Wir hatten ja nichts zu essen... ;-)
Nr. 8: Herausfinden, dass tatsächlich ein Auto weggefahren war. Jedoch nicht, um Brötchen zu holen, sondern um etwas zu bringen. Genauer gesagt ins Krankenhaus. Und wen? Mutsch, die beim Frühstückbereiten die Falltür zum Vorratskeller geöffnet, dann nochmal auf Hirsche lauschend aus dem Fenster geschaut und einen Schritt zuweit in die falsche Richtung getan hatte. Beim Ausrutschen und auf dem folgenden Weg nach unten verdrehte sie sich erst das rechte Knie, stellte dann unsanft mit ihrer linken Schulter Kontakt zu einem Türbalken her und machte zum Schluss heftige Bekanntschaft mit dem Boden. Den im-Weg-stehenden Küchentisch ließ sie
P.S.: sie ist über Handy erreichbar! Nr. gibt's, wenn gewünscht, bei dem Rest der Bande! :-)
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