
That's the current beat of my life - it involves no instruments, but instead a number of cardboard items, folded up neatly and stacked into a corner of my humble living quarters.
Alas, a couple of them have already seen the light of day, and I'm busily refolding and filling them with the bits and pieces from my life, that aren't urgently needed RIGHT NOW. Make that books, decoration items, sports stuff and shoes (yes, indeed, but just the summery ones!). ;-) However, I NEVER seem to be able to start packing in a neat and tidy way. So this is how my room looks right now... and I haven't even started to pack my clothes yet. I'm trying to retain my composure, but I'm fearing the worst.

Oh yeah, and a hint at how far it's already come? That blue folder in the lower-right picture? Uhm, it's my PhD certificate. And it's there NOT because I disregarded it, but - honest to god - because I don't want to misplace it, but have no secure place yet to put it. THAT is a shame... somehow. :-/

Till the next update from Chaos-Hanna...

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