treetop trail in the Hainich National Park |
With fall taking its slow, but certain leave, sun seems to have left just as well. Despite the (!) sunny and fantastic last Sunday, the last days have been a row of fog, rain, clouds and rain (did I mention rain yet?). And yeah, the temperatures have dropped quite a bit. But despite all of this, I'm in high spirits - there are so many changes ahead (some good, some sad), so much left to do in the remaining weeks here and so many funny events coming up. True, I'll definitely miss Jena and all my friends here. But I'll also move to a fantastic place in return. And even though a lot of important things for that move are still in a limbo (like, err, where I will live and such trifle), I'm getting a bit giddy and excited about all there is to come. Next Monday, I'll travel to Salzburg again - I'm trying to score a room in a flatshare, so keep your fingers crossed that I get at least one offer. Speaking of flat-hunting, I just stumbled across one of those
rental scams - scary enough, even though I didn't fall prey to it (I was convinced that it's a scam when I heard that they wanted me to deposit money "safely" via Western Union. Yeah, right.). Wouldn't have expected this to occur in the real estate scene, but then again - which part of our lives is still safe from scams? So well, I'll be off to hunt for more scams, uh, flats. ;-)
Meltonites all tangled up |
Btw, the pix are from that one sunny Sunday last weekend, where I went to a treetop trail in the Hainich National Park. The park is famous for its copper beech forests, but of course all the leaves were gone already. Still, a nice park and a fantastic view from atop the trees...
2 Kommentare:
That treetop trail looks like so much fun! Good luck with your move. Hope you've found a flat by now.
Thanx, I did indeed. A nice (temporary) one for the time being and until I find one of my own. Will post more when I'm there... ;-)
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