The old year can keep this one...

Some days are the kind where you know right away that it would've been a better bet to stay in bed than trying to wrench anything good out of it. Other times, you only find out piece by piece that these 24 hours were simply not meant for you. Granted, most days are quite ok, if not even splendid. Still, from time to time it's your turn to suck it up and go with it. And so did I...

I had a great start into the day, with a late breakfast and fresh bread rolls and even croissants (!!! important to note, since we do get the old ones from time to time). Notwithstanding a somewhat cold shower (plumbing work going on?), bad coffee (my poor choice of a cheap brand of espresso beans) and a gradually cooling apartment (no warm water and heating in the middle of winter? This better be a major plumbing project!), I did enjoy having a very relaxed start into the day. Later, I went to do some much-needed shopping (groceries, drinks, fireworks, etc.) and I had some good fun, even though I got drenched a couple of times. Later on, I enjoyed a nice coffee with some friends, before heading over to another friend. A hastily-emptied beer later, we entered a mexican pub/restaurant (again, drenched) and sat down to have a nice dinner and some delectable margaritas. At least that's what I anticipated. Should I have become worried, when the waitress asked us to wait with ordering drinks for the second half of the table until she had brought the first half of drinks? Nay, I'm relaxed in that regard, so let's just let her do her thing, shouldn't we? And should I have become a tad bit more worried, when she made us wait to order meals until all drinks were served? Even though that took some 10-20 minutes, I was calm. I was relaxed. It's the holidays, right? So here we go and I was finally allowed to order my food. Should I mention that my late breakfast was the only real meal I had that day? Apart from one small, cooked potato and a bigger cookie, I had not eaten anything until that time. After all, we were out to get some yummy, yummy Mexican food. I was soooo looking forward to quesadilla, burrito, enchiladas and fajitas that I didn't want to go there with a full stomach. Duh, I should've known that that would backfire on me. Oh well, we never stop learning, right?
So there I am, waiting patiently (but with a growling stomach) for my tasty fajitas, when the waitress appears with what could very well be my food and tries to locate the customer who ordered it. Would you expect the waitress to at least kind of know what she has in her hands? Well, turns out she only knew the number of the stuff (as it appeared in the menu), but not the name of it. And yesss, those were the fajitas, but since another friend was faster to claim it as hers, she got it. And I was content, cuz, c'mon, where there's one, there's gotta be another one, right???? I was soo not right on that one. When four of us had their food, the waitress just stopped bringing in the other 8 meals. And that was already at about an hour after we had gotten there. Our humble selves were patient and thought that our orders would be arriving any minute. I think logic was just not the solution to that problem. Clearly not, when the waitress reappeared and, after looking at the almost empty plates, asked whether she should bring in the second part of our orders? Well, yes, please! People were slowly, but surely getting upset but almost everyone was reconciled as soon as a plate landed in front of them. Well, everyone minus me. I asked several times until I was told that apparently the twice ordered fajitas were prepared only once. ARGH!!!! There are few incidents where I had been so hungry and deprived of anything resembling carbohydrates. I was foodless and my blood sugar level must've been in the negative range! At least that's what I was feeling like. And it didn't get better when the other waitress apologized and offered me a free drink. Ok, I would've loved to take an expensive one, preferrably one of the expensive cocktails. But guess what? Being that low on carbs, I wouldn't have dared to touch anything with even a hint of alcohol, let alone a cocktail. I don't need to find out how fast I can black out from that heavenly combination. But there's a happy end.... a mere two hours after ordering I even got my food (which tasted very good after all)!!! Ain't that some reason for celebration??? No? Well, same with me. After all, it turned out that our waitress was new to the restaurant, which unterstandably explains the insecurities on her part and her not being able to tell the dishes apart. And apparently the pub owners didn't send anyone to help her, but instead let her cater for at least 6 large, full tables of guests. Well, guess I (and the others, too) were just a bit unlucky.... and might not return for a while.
Anyways, I'll be off for some celebrations now. Here's wishing all of you a splendid start into a gorgeous and exciting new year of 2010!


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