It's the Melton gang, again.

Has it been that long already? Apparently it has, since the next Melton weekend is just about to start.
The location will be an all-time favourite, profoundly tested out half a decade ago (oh my, is it really half a decade? Am I really becoming one of the older SFs now? Mh, time is a funny concept...). So today's destination is... Hütten! If I remember correctly, we've been there at least 3 times - twice for campus weekends and once for the first-ever "alumni" conference. For the young 'uns out there: "alumni" used to be the term for Senior Fellows. You might've guessed it, but it's outdated by now (telling you just to be on the safe side, right?).

So there we have it... it's been a nice location, albeit a tad distanced from civilization. I wonder if cell phone coverage has made it there by now? Maybe you'll find out by me sending a blog update from there via cell phone. Curious... but I guess we'll find out in almost no time.

Btw, LAST time we went there I remember that a certain someone managed to break a bucket with her butt while we were all trying to silently escape one of the other fellows in a game of silent blind man's bluff... I wonder if we manage to get something like that done this time around.

Ok, off I go - gotta pack (at least) a pair of jammies, a nice bottle of something and a toothbrush. And then off into the weekend! Hope you'll have a great one as well!


P.S.: Hope you enjoy the pix - they're from 2003 and 2004, respectively. Have I mentioned that I'm getting older? Now where was I at...

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