Veni, vidi, saltavi

I haven't mentioned it here before, but - honest to God - the passing of Michael Jackson a couple of months ago didn't leave me indifferent or unaffected. In fact, I was quite surprised of how much it affected me, given that I had not listened to a lot of his music over the last years or planned to attend any of the London concerts (good lord, how should I have been able to afford that anyways?). However, I remember that back in the 90s, he was the first (and one of the few) superstar I really admired (and I clearly remember me sitting there in our living room, next to my sister and watching one of the Dangerous concerts on TV - with my parents!). Most of all, because the music he made AND the dancing were an out-of-this-world combination of artistic craft. Sadly, his musical talent did not transpire to his personal life, though that's a totally different story that I'd rather not want to touch upon here...
So given my kind of "abstinence" over the last years, I still found his death kind of touching me where I wouldn't have expected it. And I enjoyed listening to his music again and to rediscover the great videos he made to accompany some of them.
And in the end, I went and watched "This is it" the other day.
In case you haven't seen it yet AND are thinking about doing so, don't read on - I don't want to be the spoil sport. ;-)

Ah, you're still here... then well, I shall continue, shouldn't I? 
And, low and behold, I was positively surprised. I was undecided for quite a while whether or not I would like to watch it - and given all this controversy about his health, weight and so on, I thought I'd better not. I'm happy I didn't follow my guts on this one. It's a great movie and it shows that he was (or at least, appeared to be) fit enough to master the shows. Granted, I sorely missed the moonwalk and the spins, but no one can stop age, not even Michael Jackson himself. Still, the singing and everything else were great and quite entertaining, even funny at times. And yes, there's loooooaaaads of tidbits connecting his most famous songs to the amazing videos. After all, even though his age did make an impact (no wonder, isn't it?) it was still an impressive show and movie.
So, if you're like me and you're at least somewhat affected, go and watch it. And in case you're not into it - don't. ;-)

And that's that for today's movie review. Off to the box office... :-)


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