Bis dann euch allen wunderschöne Feiertage!
Of course, I won't let you off without the wicked saying of the day:
"Christmas is approaching once again,
help God, that I may overcome 'em!"
(Theodor Storm)
So, noch ein böser Spruch für die Feiertage:
"Und wieder nah'n die Weihnachtstage!
Gott, hilf mir, dass ich sie ertrage!"
(Theodor Storm)
"Christmas is approaching once again,
help God, that I may overcome 'em!"
(Theodor Storm)
So, noch ein böser Spruch für die Feiertage:
"Und wieder nah'n die Weihnachtstage!
Gott, hilf mir, dass ich sie ertrage!"
(Theodor Storm)
1 Kommentare:
hi my dear friend,
hope you are having a great time at Ilmenau. Should be a fantastic place during this season, with the white forest in spite of the black one, with snow allover the streets and you on your skiing boots ready to be doing some sport outside.
I also hope your family is doing great, your papa and mama and of course siblings.
I'm now down south in Temuco visiting my parents and sibling too, since September i didn't show up around here. My two jobs i told you before are quite stressing but i'm managing to survive and manage my stress, so far things are going well. I'm paetying and visitng more to my friends which is actualli something that helps e a lot.
The good part of everything it's that always you can find time for your friends.
Take care and send my greetings to your family. Whish you a MERRY X-MAS
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